Shahzad Bhatti Welcome to my ramblings and rants!

August 17, 2014

PlexService Overview – a Micro-service framework for defining HTTP/Websockets and JMS based Services

Filed under: Uncategorized — admin @ 9:19 pm

I recently created a new framework PlexService for serving micro-services. which can be accessed by HTTP, Websockets or JMS interfaces. You can choose these different access mechanism by needs of your services. For example, as JMS services are inherently asynchronous, they provide good foundation for building scalable and reactive services. You may choose http stack for implementing REST services or choose websockets for implementing interactive services.

PlexService framework provides provides basic support for encoding POJO objects into JSON for service consumption. The developers define service configuration via annoations to specify gateway types, encoding scheme, end-points, etc.

PlexService provides support of role-based security, where you can specify list of roles who can access each service. The service providers implement how to verify roles, which are then enforced by PlexService framework.

If you implement all services in JMS, you can easily expose them via HTTP or Websockets by configuring web-to-jms bridge. The bridge routes all requests from HTTP/Websockets to JMS and listen for incoming messages, which are then routed back to web clients.

PlexService provides basic metrics such as latency, invocations, errors, etc., which are exposed via JMX interface. PlexService uses jetty for serving web services. The developers provide JMS containers at runtime if required.


Checkout code using

 git clone

Compile and build jar file using

 ./gradlew jar

Copy and add jar file manually in your application.

Defining role-based security

PlexService allows developers to define role-based security, which is invoked when accessing services, e.g.


Typically, login-service will store session-id, which is then passed to the implementation of RoleAuthorizer, e.g.


In above example the session-id is added to response upon successful login, which is then passed for future requests. For http services, you may use cookies to store session-ids, otherwise you would need to pass session-id as a parameter.

Here is how you can invoke login-service from curl:

 curl --cookie-jar cookies.txt -v -k -H "Content-Type: application/json" -X POST ""

which would return:

 Content-Type: application/json
 Set-Cookie: PlexSessionID=5 Expires: Thu, 01 Jan 1970 00:00:00 GMT

Defining Services

Defining a REST service for creating a user

Here is how you can a REST service:


The ServiceConfig annotation defines that this service can be accessed via HTTP at “/users” URI. PlexService will provide encoding from JSON to User object and will ensure that service can be accessed by user who has Administrator role.

Here is how you can invoke this service from curl:

 curl --cookie cookies.txt -k -H "Content-Type: application/json" -X POST "" -d "{\"username\":\"david\",\"password\":\"pass\",\"email\":\"\",\"roles\":[\"Employee\"]}"

Defining a Web service over Websockets for creating a user

Here is how you can a Websocket based service:


The ServiceConfig annotation defines that this service can be accessed via Websocketat “/users” endpoint. However, as opposed to HTTP based service, this endpoint is not enforced in HTTP request and can be in any format as long it’s unique for a service.

Here is how you can access websocket service from javascript:


Note that websockets are not supported by all browsers and above code will work only supported browsers such as IE 11+, FF 31+, Chrome 36+, etc.

Defining a JMS service for creating a user

Here is how you can create JMS service:


Note that the only difference is type of gateway. PlexService also support variables in end-points, which are populated from configurations. For example, you may create scope variable to create different queues/topics for different developers/environments. PlexService will serialize POJO classes into JSON when delivering messages over JMS.

Defining a REST service with parameterized URLs

PlexService allows developers to define URIs for services, that contains variables. These variables are then populated actual requests. These can be used for implementing REST services, e.g.


Here is an example of invoking this service from curl:

 curl --cookie cookies.txt -k -H "Content-Type: application/json" -X POST "" -d "{\"title\":\"As an administrator, I would like to assign roles to users so that they can perform required actions.\",\"description\":\"As an administrator, I would like to assign roles to users so that they can perform required actions.\",\"bugNumber\":\"story-201\",\"assignedTo\":\"mike\",\"developedBy\":\"mike\"}"

Using variables with Websocket based service

You can also create variables for websocket’s endpoints similar to JMS, which are initialized from parameters.


Here is another example of consuming websocket based service from javascript:


Defining a REST service for querying users

Here is an example REST service, which uses GET request to query users:


Here is how you can invoke this service from curl

 curl --cookie cookies.txt -k -H "Content-Type: application/json" ""   

which would return json array such as:


Defining a JMS service for querying users

Here is an example of defining query users via JMS service:


The end-point can contain variables such as scope that are initialized from configuration.

Registering services and starting service container

You will need to register services with ServiceRegistry at runtime, which would initialize and start those services, e.g.


Creating Http to JMS bridge

You may choose to write all services as JMS and then expose them via HTTP using bridge provided by PlexService, e.g.


Creating Websocket to JMS bridge

Similarly, you may expose JMS services via websockets based transport using the bridge:

   final String mappingJson = IOUtils.toString(new FileInputStream( args[1]));
 Collection<HttpToJmsEntry> entries = new JsonObjectCodec().decode(
     mappingJson, new TypeReference<List<HttpToJmsEntry>>() {
 WebToJmsBridge bridge = new WebToJmsBridge(new Configuration(args[0]), entries, GatewayType.WEBSOCKET);

Here is JSON configuration for bridge:


Defining a Streaming Quotes Service over Websockets

Suppose you are building a high performance streaming quote service for providing real-time stock quotes, you can easily build it using PlexService framework, e.g.


Above example defines a service that listen to websockets and responds to subscribe or unsubscribe requests from web clients.

You can define mock QuoteStreamer as follows, which periodically sends quotes to all subscribers:


Here is a sample javascript/html client, which allows users to subscribe to different stock symbols:


PlexService includes this sample code, where you can start streaming quote server by running “” command and then open quote.html file in your browser.

Using JMX

PlexService uses JMX to expose key metrics and lifecycle methods to start or stop services. You can use jconsole to access the JMX controls, e.g.

 jconsole localhost:9191


PlexService comes a full-fledged sample application under plexsvc-sample folder and you browse JavaDocs to view APIs.


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