Shahzad Bhatti Welcome to my ramblings and rants!

March 24, 2021

Task Scheduling Algorithms

Filed under: Computing,Technology — admin @ 8:16 pm

A task is defined as a unit of work and a task scheduler is responsible for selecting best task for execution based on various criteria. The criteria for selecting best scheduling policy includes:

  • Maximize resource utilization such as CPU or Memory but not exceeding a certain limit such as 80%.
  • Maximize throughput such as tasks per seconds.
  • Minimize turnaround or wall time from task submission to the completion time.
  • Minimize waiting time in ready queue before executing the task.

Above criteria assumes that pending tasks will be stored in a bounded ready-queue before execution so that no new tasks will be stored when the queue reaches the maximum capacity. In this context, the task is more coarse grained and executes to the completion as compared to CPU scheduling that may use preemptive or cooperative scheduling with context switching to dispatch different processes for execution.

Following is a list of common scheduling algorithms:

First-Come First-Serve (FCFS)

This algorithm simply uses FIFO queue to process the tasks in the order they are queued. On the downside, a long-running task can block other tasks and yield very large average wait times in the queue.

Shortest Job-First (SJF)

This algorithm picks smallest job that needs to be done and then next smallest job. It results in best performance, however it may not be possible to predict runtime of a job before the execution. You may need to pass hints about the job runtime or use historical data to predict the job runtime with exponential average such as:

NewEstimatedRuntime = alpha * PreviousActualRuntime + (1.0 - alpha) * PreviousEstimatedRuntime

where alpha is between 0.0 and 1.0 and represents a weighting factor for the relative importance of recent data compared to older data, e.g. alpha with 0 value ignores previous actual time and 1.0 ignores past history of estimates.

Priority Scheduling

This algorithm picks highest priority job that needs to be done and then next highest priority job. It may result in starvation of low-priority tasks and they may wait indefinitely. You can fix this drawback by supporting aging where priority of old tasks is slowly bumped.

Earliest Deadline

This algorithm gives highest priority to the task with the earliest deadline, which is then used to pick the next task to execute. This scheduler improves resource utilization based on the estimated runtime and data requirements.

Speculative Scheduler

The speculative scheduler detects slow running task and starts another instance of the task as a backup to minimize the response time. This generally works for short jobs with homogeneous resources but it doesn’t guarantee complete reliability.

Multilevel Queues

This algorithm allows categorizing tasks and then dispatching the task to the queue based on the category, e.g. you may define distinct queues for small/medium/large tasks based on runtime or definer queues for interactive/background/system/batch tasks. In some cases, a task may need to be jumped from one queue to another based on runtime characteristics of the task and you can use aging and priority inversion to promote low-priority tasks.

Resource aware scheduler

This scheduler tracks provisioned resources and their utilization required by the tasks. The scheduler may simply allocate resources they need when scheduling the tasks or use admission-control algorithm to prevent certain tasks to start until the required resources are available.

Matchmaking scheduler

This scheduler uses affinity based scheduling so that it routes the tasks to workers or nodes where the data resides locally and provide greater data locality.

Delay scheduler

This scheduler waits until the data required by the task is available on the node or worker where task will run to improve data locality. However, in order to prevent starvation, it allows scheduling tasks to another worker or node.

Capacity scheduler

This scheduler shares system resources among tasks where tasks specify the required resources such as memory and CPU. The scheduler tracks resource utilization and allocates resources specified by the tasks.

Fair scheduler

This scheduler ensures that common resources such as CPU, memory, disk and I/O are shared fairly among different tasks.


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