Shahzad Bhatti Welcome to my ramblings and rants!

August 15, 2009


Filed under: Computing — admin @ 11:30 am

I just finished a brand new website and companion facebook app for posting yellow pages and classifieds. I am working on starting a local communities for this website that will show local search results based on your location. Please give it a try and post me your comments and suggestions.

August 6, 2009

How Twitters D.O.S brought my blog site to halt

Filed under: Computing — admin @ 12:17 pm

I noticed my blog was taking a long time to load and then realized that twitter’s denail of service attack effected my weblog. My blog shows latest tweets using javascript and as browsers generally block loading the contents when executing javascript, thus my blog was not showing the contents. I noticed that I was violating one of the commandments of Steve Souders, i.e., put your javascripts at the bottom. After moving the javascript calls to the bottom, my blog started loading happily though without the tweets for now. Also, Steve’s new book shows tons of ways to load javascript asynchronously but I haven’t added that to my blog yet.

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