Shahzad Bhatti Welcome to my ramblings and rants!

February 19, 2006

Finished Personal and Company’s Web Redesign

Filed under: Computing — admin @ 10:41 am

Finished Personal and Company’s Web Redesign
Since I moved my personal website from my school to my own domain back in 1998,
I did little touch up. So, I finally spent some time to change the looks. I
then realized my company’s website can take a new look too as that has not been
changed since around the same time. I wanted to keep both sites easy to
maintain without any dynamic content management, so I used same technique
that I have been using over ten years, i.e., wrote some templates and created
Ruby scripts to generate html files. It’s not state of the art, but given
my server isn’t too powerful, I think it will work.

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