Shahzad Bhatti Welcome to my ramblings and rants!

October 24, 2004

A couple of papers on Aspected Oriented Programming

Filed under: Computing — admin @ 4:14 pm

A couple of papers on Aspected Oriented Programming


Most software systems consist of several concerns that crosscut multiple modules. Object-oriented techniques for implementing such concerns result in systems that are invasive to implement, tough to understand, and difficult to evolve. The new aspect-oriented programming (AOP) methodology facilitates modularization of crosscutting concerns. Using AOP, you can create implementations that are easier to design, understand, and maintain. Further, AOP promises higher productivity, improved quality, and better ability to implement newer features.

I want my AOP
AJDT Tutorial
articles, tutorials, and advice about using and writing AspectJ pr
Improve modularity with aspect-oriented programming
Contract enforcement with AOP
AOP banishes the tight-coupling blues
“Use AOP to maintain legacy Java applications
Adrian’s blog
Introduction to AOP 1/2
Introduction to AOP 2/2

verifying AOP

AOP Pattern Testing

JDBC Rowset


EJB Shortcomings
AOP Filter

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