Shahzad Bhatti Welcome to my ramblings and rants!

February 21, 2004

A few interesting java-related articles

Filed under: Computing — admin @ 10:52 am

A few interesting java-related articles

  1. Distributing Sun Java System Identity Server Applications Using Java Web Start
  2. Java and Security, Part 1
  3. Java and Security, Part 2
  4. More JSP best practices
  5. Add concurrent processing with message-driven beans
  6. Achieve implementation transparency for your business objects with the Business Object Factory framework
  7. Implement Flyweight to improve performance
  8. Jump the hurdles of Struts development
  9. Mix protocols transparently in Struts
  10. Strut your stuff with JSP tags
  11. UI design with Tiles and Struts
  12. Test email components in your software
  13. Follow the Chain of Responsibility
  14. Clustering with JBoss 3.0
  15. Boost Struts with XSLT and XML
  16. Why extends is evil
  17. Introducing the Portlet Specification, Part 1
  18. Introducing the Portlet Specification, Part 2
  19. Java APIs for Bioinformatics
  20. BlackMamba: A Swing Case Study
  21. Integrating Struts, Tiles, and JavaServer Faces
  22. Client quality reporting for J2EE Web services
  23. Web and Enterprise Architecture Design Patterns for J2EE, Part 1
  24. Managing Complexity: Keeping a Large Java Project on Track
  25. Using JSF
  26. Make the Java-Oracle9i connection
  27. Call JavaBean methods from JSP 2.0 pages
  28. View Web camera snapshots using a J2ME-capable phone
  29. Transparently cache XSL transformations with JAXP
  30. Jini Starter Kit 2.0 tightens Jini’s security framework
  31. Progress on the JMF and Java Media APIs
  32. A Gentle Re-Introduction to QuickTime for Java
  33. Re-Introducing QuickTime for Java, Part 2
  34. QTJ Audio
  35. A Gentle Re-Introduction to QuickTime for Java
  36. Java Media Framework Player API
  37. Readable Java 1.5
  38. Create Desktop Applications with Java-Based Web Technologies
  39. Create client-side user interfaces in HTML, Part 1
  40. Create client-side user interfaces in HTML, Part 2
  41. SearchAssist: A Portable Search Engine in Java
  42. SAAJ: No strings attached
  43. Transforming iCal Calendars with Java
  44. Nukes: the Open Source Java CMS
  45. Customize SwingWorker to improve Swing GUIs
  46. High-availability mobile applications
  47. aspect-oriented refactoring 1
  48. aspect-oriented refactoring 2
  49. Isolate server includes’ runtime context

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