Shahzad Bhatti Welcome to my ramblings and rants!

August 20, 2007

Benchmarking Java Vs Erlang

Filed under: Computing — admin @ 3:07 pm

I have been reading Joe Armstrong’s Erlang book recently and one of the assignment is to compare performance of processes and message communication by creating a ring of processes and sending messages. The assignment needs to be done in two languages so I Java as another language.

Here is the Java version:

  1 import java.util.*;
  2 import java.util.concurrent.*;
  4 /**
  5  * Create N followers in a ring. Send a message round the ring M times so that a total of N * M messages get sent.
  6  * Time how long this takes for different value of N and M.
  7  * javac
  8  * java -Xss48k -cp . Ring
  9  */
 10 public class Ring {
 11     //
 12     public class Follower extends Thread {
 13         final BlockingQueue queue = new LinkedBlockingQueue();
 14         Follower nextFollower;
 15         int pid;
 16         int numberOfMessages;
 18         public Follower(int pid, int numberOfMessages) {
 19    = pid;
 20             this.numberOfMessages = numberOfMessages;
 21         }
 23         public void setNextFollower(Follower nextFollower) {
 24             this.nextFollower = nextFollower;
 25         }
 28         public void sendAsynchronous(Object message) {
 29             queue.add(message);
 30         }
 32         public void run() {
 33             //System.out.println("Starting Pid " + pid + ", numberOfMessages " + numberOfMessages);
 34             for (int i=0; i<numberOfMessages; i++) {
 35                 try {
 36                     Object message = queue.take();
 37                     nextFollower.sendAsynchronous(message);
 38                 } catch (InterruptedException e) {
 39                     Thread.currentThread().interrupted();
 40                 }
 41             }
 42             //System.out.println("Ending Pid " + pid + ", numberOfMessages " + numberOfMessages);
 43         }
 44     }
 46     public class Leader extends Follower {
 47         public Leader(int pid) {
 48             super(pid, 0);
 49         }
 52         public void run() {
 53             // leader will not run asynchronously
 54         }
 56         public void sendReceiveSynchronous(Object message) {
 57             try {
 58                 nextFollower.sendAsynchronous(message);
 59                 message = queue.take();
 60             } catch (InterruptedException e) {
 61                 Thread.currentThread().interrupted();
 62             }
 63         }
 64     }
 67     public Ring() {
 68     }
 72     public void runRing(int numberOfProcesses, int numberOfMessages) {
 73         Leader leader = new Leader(-1);
 74         Follower[] followers = buildFollowers(numberOfProcesses-1, numberOfMessages, leader);
 75         startFollowers(followers);
 76         for (int i=0; i<numberOfMessages; i++) {
 77             leader.sendReceiveSynchronous(Boolean.TRUE); // we are not taking message size into account
 78         }
 79     }
 82     public void benchmarkRing(int numberOfProcesses, int numberOfMessages) {
 83         System.out.println("Starting ring for " + numberOfProcesses + " threads and " + numberOfMessages + " messages");
 84         long start = System.currentTimeMillis();
 85         //
 86         runRing(numberOfProcesses, numberOfMessages);
 88         long elapsed = System.currentTimeMillis() - start;
 89         System.out.println("Ring for " + numberOfProcesses + " threads and " + numberOfMessages + " messages took " + elapsed + " milliseconds.");
 90     }
 92     private void startFollowers(Follower[] followers) {
 93         for (int i=0; i<followers.length; i++) {
 94             followers[i].setDaemon(true);
 95             followers[i].start();
 96         }
 97     }
100     private Follower[] buildFollowers(int numberOfFollowers, int numberOfMessages, Leader leader) {
101         Follower[] followers = new Follower[numberOfFollowers];
102         for (int i=0; i<followers.length; i++) {
103             followers[i] = new Follower(i, numberOfMessages);
104         }
105         leader.setNextFollower(followers[0]);
106         for (int i=0; i<followers.length; i++) {
107             if (i == followers.length-1) {
108                 followers[i].setNextFollower(leader);
109             } else {
110                 followers[i].setNextFollower(followers[i+1]);
111             }
112         }
113         return followers;
114     }
117     //
118     public static void main(String[] args) {
119         for (int i=100; i<10000; i+=100) {
120             for (int j=100; j<10000; j+=1000) {
121                 new Ring().benchmarkRing(i, j);
122             }
123         }
124     }
125 }

And here is the Erlang version:

 1 -module(ring).
 2 -compile(export_all).
 4 % c(ring).
 5 % Pid = ring:start(2).
 6 % Pid ! {self(), 0}.
 7 % Pid ! {self(), 2}.
 8 % ring:benchmark_ring(10, 4).
11 %%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%
12 % start - spawns a process and runs receive_send_loop function. It passes M - # of messages to the
13 % loop.
14 %%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%
15 start(M, NextPid) ->
16     spawn(fun() -> receive_send_loop(M, NextPid) end).
19 %%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%
20 % ring stars N processes, each will run receive_send_loop.
21 %%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%
22 start_ring(N, M) ->
23     LastPid = self(),
24     start_ring(N-1, M, LastPid).
26 start_ring(N, M, LastPid) when N > 0 ->
27     Pid = start(M, LastPid),
28     start_ring(N-1, M, Pid);
29 start_ring(N, _M, LastPid) when N == 0 ->
30     LastPid.
32 %%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%
33 % send_receive_message sends a message with D, M number of times to all processes inside in list L
34 %%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%
35 send_receive_message(M, D, LastPid) when M > 0 ->
36     Payload = case M of
37       1 -> {nomore, D};
38       _Else -> {ok, D}
39     end,
40     %io:format("Master ~p Sending message to ~p~n", [self(), LastPid]),
41     LastPid ! Payload,
43     %io:format("Master ~p Reciving message ~n", [self()]),
44     receive
45             {ok, Response} ->
46                 Response
47     end,
48     %io:format("Master ~p Received message ~n", [self()]),
49     send_receive_message(M-1, D, LastPid);
51 send_receive_message(M, _D, _LastPid) when M == 0 ->
52     true.
54 %%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%
55 % benchmark_ring invokes ring function and calculates timings.
56 %%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%
57 benchmark_ring() ->
58     benchmark_ring(100).
60 benchmark_ring(N) when N < 10000 ->
61     benchmark_ring(N, 100),
62     benchmark_ring(N+100);
63 benchmark_ring(N) when N >= 10000 ->
64     true.
66 benchmark_ring(N, M) when M < 10000 ->
67     io:format("Starting ring for ~w processes and ~w messages.~n", [N, M]),
68     statistics(runtime),
69     statistics(wall_clock),
70     LastPid = start_ring(N, M),
71     send_receive_message(M, 'message', LastPid),
72     {_, RT} = statistics(runtime),
73     {_, WC} = statistics(wall_clock),
74     io:format("Ring for ~w processes and ~w messages took ~p (~p) milliseconds.~n", [N, M, RT, WC]),
75     benchmark_ring(N, M+1000);
76 benchmark_ring(_N, M) when M >= 10000 ->
77     true.
81 %%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%
82 % receive_send_loop receives messages in a loop until it receives nomore.
83 %%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%
84 receive_send_loop(M, NextPid) ->
85     receive
86         {nomore, Any} ->
87             %io:format("~p received ~p last message ~p nextPid ~p ~n", [self(), M, NextPid, Any]),
88             NextPid ! {ok, Any};
89         {ok, Any} ->
90             %io:format("~p received ~p message ~p nextPid ~p ~n", [self(), M, NextPid, Any]),
91             NextPid ! {ok, Any},
92             receive_send_loop(M-1, NextPid)
93      end.

And the verdict is Erlang is much more efficient than Java in process/thread creation and message communication I had to actually explicitly reduce the stack size to run Java program, but there is no comparison. Here is the results of benchmarks.

Here is simple ruby script that I used to merge output statistics from both runs:

 1 class Stats
 2   attr_accessor :processes
 3   attr_accessor :messages
 4   attr_accessor :java_time
 5   attr_accessor :erlang_time
 6   def initialize(procs, msgs, jtime, etime)
 7     @processes = procs.to_i
 8     @messages = msgs.to_i
 9     @java_time = jtime.to_i if jtime
10     @erlang_time = etime.to_i if etime
11   end
12   def key
13     "#{@processes}/#{@messages}"
14   end
16   def to_s
17     "#{@processes},#{@messages},#{@java_time},#{@erlang_time}"
18   end
19 end
21 stats = {}
22"javaring.out", "r").readlines.each do |line|
23   if line =~ /Ring for/
24     t = line.split(/ /)
25     stat =[2], t[5], t[8], nil)
26     stats[stat.key] = stat
27     #puts "#{stat} --- for line #{t.join(', ')}" 
28   end
29 end
31"erlout", "r").readlines.each do |line|
32   if line =~ /Ring for/
33     t = line.split(/ /)
34     stat =[2], t[5], nil, t[8])
35     old = stats[stat.key]
36     if old
37       old.erlang_time = stat.erlang_time
38     else
39       stats[stat.key] = stat
40     end
41     #puts "#{stat} --- for line #{t.join(', ')}" 
42   end
43 end
44 stats.values.sort_by {|stat| stat.processes * stat.messages}.each do |stat|
45   puts stat
46 end

Final Thoughts

Erlang is great for writing highly concurrent applications. It shows that smart use of green threads can outperform native threads. The only thing I found a bit verbose about Erlang is that you have to write a switch statement to receive messages. I wish these processes be more object oriented where message passing is done by method invocation instead of explicitly as it’s done in Erlang. What I mean is, instead of writing

     {label1, From, RealData} ->
     {label2, From, RealData} ->

It be more like module with functions defined as label1, label2, .. and arguments that accept From, RealData. Also, a lot of time, you have to send back a message, which can also be implicitly sent if the function returns anything. Back in mid 90s I wrote a Java based ORB that had a ServiceFactory that took any POJO object and converted that into Service. I consider these processes as small services and it would be nice to have same mechanism to convert  module into service. Another thing I find hard about Erlang (besides immutable data) are cryptic error messages. I am used to seeing the line number or stack trace where the error occurred, but Erlang error are very cryptic. As with learning a new language, you also have to learn all the libraries and Erlang has huge OTP beast that I will have to tame. Nevertheless, I like Erlang so far and it’s going to be favorite language.

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