More papers on Aspected Oriented Programming/JFormDesigner
Jini: Out of the Bottle and Into the Box
iptables -t nat -A PREROUTING -p tcp -d lo –dport 80 -j DNAT –to
LoadModule jk2_module modules/
Murphy’s Law and Open Source Software Development
Review of 2004: Bruno Souza to Sun – “Stop Saying ‘Our Implementation Is Open Source,’ It Is Not”
Introducing the Reflexive User Interface Builder
Use continuations to develop complex Web applications
Working with Hibernate in Eclipse
Holiday Party Guide to Patterns
Zen and the Art of Aspect-Oriented Programming
Refactor dynaop Factories using dynaop
Second-generation aspect-oriented programming
Zen and the Art of Aspect-Oriented Programming
Futures and Concurrent Programming (Part 1)
Yet Another 2005 Prediction List