Shahzad Bhatti Welcome to my ramblings and rants!

October 8, 2012

Comparing Server side Websockets using Atmosphere, Netty, Node.js and

Filed under: Javascript — admin @ 1:31 pm

My last two bogs (Pub/sub in Node.js and Websockets and Scaling Node.js) described how I have been evaluating Node.js and Websockets for streaming data. I would describe results of that evaluation along with a few other frameworks that I have been testing.

Use Case

The primary use case for my application is pub/sub where clients subscribe to some channel and receive updates such as subscribing for stock quotes or notifications about orders.


In my last blog, I described all the issues I had with library for Node.js and after a lot of frustration I gave up on it. Instead, I used WS library for WebSockets and though it doesn’t provide fallback options for other protocols but’s it much more stable and efficient.

Pub/Sub Server

Here is the pub/sub server that provides methods to subscribe some channel identifier and sends update to a random channel continuously.


Subscription management

Following module defines APIs for managing subscriptions and as I mentioned when number of messages received by client reaches maxMessages, it unsubscribes from the server.


I am skipping some of helper modules, but you can find them from the source code.

The framework follows Node.js design for single-thread event loop with asynchronous I/O but is written in Java. It also provides polyglot support for a number of languages such as Java, Javascript, Ruby, Groovy, and Python. Here is similar implementation of Pub/Sub server in Java:


Note that requires JDK 7 and here is how you can start the server:

 export PATH=/home/sbhatti/jdk1.7.0_10/bin:$PATH
 export JAVA_HOME=/home/sbhatti/jdk1.7.0_10
 mvn package
 bin/vertx run com.plexobject.vertx.VrtxServer -cp target/classes/ -instances=5

Note that I started with 5 instances of the server to match Node.js’ clustering options.

Netty is a lightweight application server that provides asynchronous events and I/O so I also tested its Websocket’s support in its latest 4.0-beta version.


Here is the main server implementation that bootstraps web-socket server:


Pub/Sub Server

Here is implementation of websocket handler that provides pub/sub functionality:


As, you can see its implementation is a bit verbose and I am skipping some of other boiler code.


Atmosphere is another Java framework that provides support for Websockets so I tried it as well and here is its implementation:


Note that I had to deploy Atmosphere in Jetty 8.1.7 as a war file and here is web.xml

 <?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?>
 <web-app xmlns:xsi=""
          xmlns="" xmlns:web=""
          id="WebApp_ID" version="2.5">
     <display-name>WebSocket Load Test</display-name>


I previously wrote client in Javascript but I rewrote in Java so that I can use Java’s concurrent library to manage counters.

WebSocket Client

I tried Netty and weberknecht libraries and settled on weberknecht. Here is its implementation:



I also tested Kaazing a bit but it is a commercial software and their trial license limited connections so I gave up on it.

Load Tester

The load tester takes arguments about how many connections to open and how long to run the test. It generates identifiers from 1 to 10,000 and sends subscription message to the server for each of those channel identifiers. It then keeps track of messages received in a helper class Metrics and logs that information on regular interval, i.e.,


I am skipping some of helper classes and interfaces, but you can find them from the source code.

Test Script

I created a simple shell script to launch load test for 5 minutes and given number of connections and collected results in a comma delimited file, i.e,

 mvn package
 export MAVEN_OPTS="-Xmx1000m -Xss128k"
 export url=ws://localhost:8080/atmosphere-1.0/channels
 #export url=ws://localhost:8080/channels
 #export url=ws://localhost:8124/
 while [ $clients -lt 100000 ]
    mvn exec:java -Dexec.mainClass="com.plexobject.websocket.client.LoadTester" -Dexec.classpathScope=runtime -Dexec.args="$url $clients 5"
    clients=`expr $clients + 500|awk '{print $1}'`

Note that I specified stack size of thread to be 128k as default stack size per thread is 2MB, which takes a lot of memory.

TCP Settings

As I mentioned in my last blog, I made some changes to my Linux machine to improve TCP settings, i.e.,

 net.core.rmem_max = 33554432
 net.core.wmem_max = 33554432
 net.ipv4.tcp_rmem = 4096 16384 33554432
 net.ipv4.tcp_wmem = 4096 16384 33554432
 net.ipv4.tcp_mem = 786432 1048576 26777216
 net.ipv4.tcp_max_tw_buckets = 360000
 net.core.netdev_max_backlog = 2500
 vm.min_free_kbytes = 65536
 vm.swappiness = 0
 net.ipv4.ip_local_port_range = 1024 65535

I then applied above changes using:

 sudo sysctl -w net.core.somaxconn=10000
 sudo sysctl -w net.ipv4.tcp_max_syn_backlog=10000 
 sudo sysctl -p


Here are results of testing up to 5000 connections, where server sends a message to a random channel continuously:


connections connected average response (ms) average size messages msg/sec walltime(secs)
500 500 1 1462 282431 943.317 301
1000 1000 1 1462 282100 940.967 302
1500 1500 1 1463 274156 920.233 304
2000 2000 1 1463 268180 936.733 309
2500 2500 1 1463 263443 926 307
3000 2985 1 1463 280809 932.233 332
3500 3500 2 1463 278412 934.333 384


connections connected average response (ms) average size messages msg/sec walltime(secs)
500 500 0.000 172.000 284165 937.833 305.000
1000 1000 0.000 172.000 279883 921.717 305.000
1500 1500 0.000 173.000 290317 959.983 305.000
2000 2000 0.000 173.000 286110 946.467 305.000
2500 2500 0.000 174.000 285122 949.550 305.000
3000 3000 0.000 174.000 281650 939.150 305.000
3500 3500 0.000 174.000 282833 942.700 305.000
4000 4000 0.000 174.000 283829 948.700 305.000
4500 4500 0.000 174.000 273293 921.583 305.000
5000 5000 0.000 174.000 264433 881.733 305.000
1000 1000 0.000 172.000 279883 921.717 305.000
1500 1500 0.000 173.000 290317 959.983 305.000
2000 2000 0.000 173.000 286110 946.467 305.000
2500 2500 0.000 174.000 285122 949.550 305.000
3000 3000 0.000 174.000 281650 939.150 305.000
3500 3500 0.000 174.000 282833 942.700 305.000
4000 4000 0.000 174.000 283829 948.700 305.000
4500 4500 0.000 174.000 273293 921.583 305.000
5000 5000 0.000 174.000 264433 881.733 305.000
5500 5500 0.000 174.000 289230 977.300 305.000
6000 6000 0.000 174.000 277692 934.800 305.000
6500 6500 0.000 174.000 148223 847.517 185.000

connections average response (ms) average size messages msg/sec walltime(secs)
1000 1 1462 1487141 4056.433 365
2000 1 1464 1607431 5003.033 365
3000 1 1464 1663777 5061.717 365
4000 1 1464 1607104 5109.65 365
5000 1 1464 1706898 5374.433 365
6000 2 1465 1750757 5341.05 365
7000 3 1465 1723124 5263.283 365
8000 3 1465 1758174 5224.85 365
9000 2 1465 1717950 5038.45 365
10000 3 1465 1789671 5160.517 365
11000 3 1465 1789760 5140.8 365
12000 3 1465 1792477 5097.5 365
13000 4 1465 1778748 5128.917 365
14000 4 1465 1746830 4895.433 365
15000 3 1465 1760734 4960.367 365
16000 3 1465 1739786 4933.583 365
17000 4 1465 1727759 4902.883 365
18000 3 1465 1730165 5158.7 365
19000 4 1465 1725660 4904.2 367
20000 4 1465 1704129 4852.567 365
21000 4 1465 1703201 4849.833 365
22000 3 1465 1705387 5077.417 366
23000 3 1465 1671165 4861.233 365
24000 4 1465 1670471 4942.217 365
25000 4 1465 1639296 5108.317 365


connections average response (ms) average size messages msg/sec walltime(secs)
1000 2 1363 1550155 4252.95 365
2000 1 1368 863997 2384.8 365
3000 1 1368 644806 1776.717 365
4000 1 1369 555496 1541.683 365
5000 1 1370 483624 1338 365
6000 1 1370 426728 1185.883 365
7000 1 1371 358331 994.017 365
8000 1 1371 322960 898.55 365
9000 1 1371 281227 787.633 365
10000 1 1371 260502 732.3 365
11000 1 1370 262209 733.633 365
12000 1 1371 243954 690.067 365
13000 2 1370 230117 647.833 365
14000 2 1371 235591 668.983 365
15000 2 1371 240632 685.35 365
16000 2 1371 192929 551.083 365
17000 2 1371 166705 474.217 365
18000 2 1371 142557 406.4 365
19000 2 1371 110873 319.467 365
20000 2 1371 106047 305.967 365
21000 2 1371 107947 307.633 365
22000 1 1371 89779 257.883 365
23000 2 1371 89890 259.367 365
24000 2 1371 34414 240.833 155


I tried to push limits for each framework, however Atmosphere could not handle more than 3500 connections and it slowed my machine to crawl. I was using 4.0-beta version of Netty, which also crashed after 6500 connections. was able to scale for upto 25,000 connections, but then server ran out of memory on my machine. Similarly, node.js kept going for about 24,000 but it became very slow and my load test client could not allocate more memory for connections. Both and Node.js proved to be leading contenders but was able to scale much better and maintain throughput better than Node.js. As a result, I picked for my project. You can download the source code and compare results yourself.

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