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September 21, 2024

Robust Retry Strategies for Building Resilient Distributed Systems

Filed under: API,Computing,Microservices — admin @ 10:50 am


Distributed systems inherently involve multiple components such as services, databases, networks, etc., which are spread across different machines or locations. These systems are prone to partial failures, where one part of the system may fail while others remain operational. A common strategy for building fault-tolerant and resilient systems is to recover from transient failures by retrying failed operations. Here are some common use cases for implementing retries to maintain reliability in such environments:

  • Recover from Transient Failures such as network glitches, dropped packets, or temporary unavailability of services. These failures are often short-lived, and a simple retry may succeed without any changes to the underlying system.
  • Recover from Network Instability due to packet loss, latency, congestion, or intermittent connectivity can disrupt communication between services.
  • Recover from Load Shedding or Throttling where services may experience momentary overloads and are unable to handle incoming requests.
  • Asynchronous Processing or Eventual Consistency models may take time to converge state across different nodes or services and operations might fail temporarily if the system is in an intermediate state.
  • Fault Isolation in microservices architectures, where services are loosely coupled but depend on one another. The downstream services may fail temporarily due to a service restart, deployment or scaling activities.
  • Service Downtime affects availability of services but client application can use retries to recover from minor faults and maintain availability.
  • Load Balancing and Failover with redundant Zones/Regions so that when a request to one zone/region fails but can be handled by another healthy region or zone.
  • Partial Failures where one part of the system fails while the rest remains functional (partial failures).
  • Build System Resilience to allow the system to self-heal from minor disruptions.
  • Race Conditions or timing-related issues in concurrent systems can be resolved with retries.

Challenges with Retries

Retries help in recovering from transient or partial failures by resending requests, but they can worsen system overloads if not managed carefully. Here are some challenges associated with retries:

  • Retry Storms: A retry storm occurs when multiple clients or services simultaneously retry failed requests to an overloaded or recovering service. This flood of retries can exacerbate the problem and can lead to performance degradation or a self-inflicted Denial of Service (DoS) attack.
  • Idempotency and Data Consistency: Some operations are not idempotent and performing them multiple times can lead to inconsistent or incorrect results (e.g., processing a financial transaction multiple times).
  • Cascading Failures: Retrying can propagate failures upstream or to dependent services. For instance, when a service fails and clients retry excessively, which can overwhelm downstream services.
  • Latency Amplification: Retrying failed operations can increase end-to-end latency, as each retry adds a delay before successful resolution.
  • Amplified Resource Consumption: Retried operations consume additional CPU, memory, and bandwidth, potentially depleting resources at a faster rate. Even when services eventually succeed, the increased load from retries can harm the overall system.
  • Retry Loops or Infinite Retries: If a failed operation is retried continuously without ever succeeding, it can potentially lead to system crashes.
  • Threads and connections starvation: When a service invokes multiple operations and some fail, it may retry all operations, leading to increased overall request latency. If high timeouts are set, threads and connections remain occupied, blocking new traffic.
  • Unnecessary Retries on Non-Retryable Failures: Retrying certain types of failures, like authorization errors or malformed requests is unnecessary and wastes system resources.
  • Timeout Mismatch Between Services: If the timeout settings for retries between services are not aligned, a downstream service may still be processing a request while the upstream service retries or times out that can result in conflicting states.

Considerations for Retries

Here are some key considerations and best practices for implementing more effective and safer retry mechanisms in distributed systems, enhancing resilience while safeguarding system stability during periods of stress or failure:

  • Timeouts: Implement timeouts to prevent clients from waiting indefinitely for a response and reduce resource exhaustion (e.g., memory or threads) caused by prolonged waiting. The challenge lies in selecting the appropriate timeout value: if set too high, resources are wasted; if set too low, it can trigger excessive retries, which increases the risk of outages. It’s recommended to set timeouts that are tightly aligned with performance expectations, ideally less than 2-times your maximum response time to avoid thread starvation. Additionally, monitor for early warning signs by setting alarms when performance degrades (e.g., when P99 latency approaches 50% of the timeout value).
  • Timeout Budgeting: In complex distributed systems, timeout budgeting ensures that the total time taken by a request across multiple services doesn’t exceed an acceptable limit. Each downstream service gets a portion of the total timeout, so failure in one service doesn’t excessively delay the entire request chain.
  • Exponential Backoff: Implement exponential backoff to spread out retry attempts by gradually increasing the delay between retries, reducing the risk of overwhelming a failing component and allowing time for recovery. It’s important to cap the backoff duration and limit the total number of retries. Without these limits, the system might continue retrying unnecessarily even after the underlying issue has been resolved.
  • Jitter: Adding randomness (jitter) to the backoff process helps prevent synchronized retries that could lead to overload spikes. Jitter is useful for spreading out traffic spikes and periodic tasks to avoid large bursts of traffic at regular intervals for improving system stability.
  • Idempotency: Operations that are retried must be idempotent, meaning they can be safely repeated without causing unintended side effects (e.g., double payments or duplicated data).
  • Retry Limits: Retries should be capped at a certain limit to avoid endlessly retrying a failing operation. Retries should stop beyond a certain number of attempts and the failure should be escalated or reported.
  • Throttling and Rate Limiting: Implement throttling or rate limiting and control the number of requests a service handles within a given time period. Rate limiting can be dynamic, which is adjusted based on current load or error rates, and avoid system overloads during traffic spikes. In addition, low-priority requests can be shed during high load situations.
  • Error Categorization: Not all errors should trigger retries and use an allowlist for known retryable errors and only retry those. For example, 400 Bad Request (indicating a permanent client error) due to invalid input should not be retried, while server-side or network-related errors with a 500 Internal Server Error (a likely transient issue) can benefit from retrying.
  • Targeting Failing Components Only: In a partial failure, not all parts of the system are down and retries help isolate and recover from the failing components by retrying operations specifically targeting the failed resource. For example, if a service depends on multiple microservices for an operation and one of the service fails, the system should retry the failed request without repeating the entire operation.
  • Intelligent and Adaptive Retries: Design retry logic to take the system’s current state into account, such as checking service health or load conditions before retrying. For example, increase retry intervals if multiple components are detected as failing or retry quickly for timeout errors but back off more for connection errors.. This prevents retries when the system is already known to be overloaded.
  • Retrying at Different Levels: Retries can be implemented at various levels to handle partial failures such as application level, middleware/proxy (load-balancer or API gateway), transport level (network). For example, a distributed system using a load balancer can detect if a specific instance of a service is failing and reroute traffic to a healthy instance that triggers retries only for the requests that target the failing instance.
  • Retry Amplification: In multi-tiered architectures, if retries are implemented at each level of nested service calls, it can lead to increased latency and exponentially higher traffic. To mitigate this, implement retries only at critical points in the call chain, and ensure that each service has a clear retry policy with limits. Use short timeouts to prevent thread starvation when calls to downstream services take too long. If too many threads hang, new traffic will be blocked.
  • Retry Budget: Implementing a global limit on the number of retries across all operations helps prevent system overload. For example, using an algorithm like Leaky Bucket can regulate the number of retries within a specified time period. This ensures that retries are distributed evenly and don’t exceed system capacity, preventing resource exhaustion during high failure rates.
  • Retries with Circuit Breakers: The circuit breaker pattern can be combined with retries to avoid overwhelming a failing component. When a service starts failing, the circuit breaker opens, temporarily halting requests to that service until it is healthy again. Retries can be configured to happen only after the circuit breaker transitions to a half-open state, which allows a limited number of retries to test if the service has recovered.
  • Retries with Failover Mechanisms: Retries can be designed with failover strategies where the system switches to a backup service, region, or replica in case of partial failure. If a service in one region fails then the retries can redirect requests to a different region or zone for ensuring availability.
  • Latency Sensitivity: Services with strict latency requirements might not tolerate long backoff periods or extended retries so they should minimize number of retries and cap backoff times.
  • Sync Calls: For synchronous calls, retry once immediately to handle temporary network issues and avoid multiple retries that could lead to thread starvation. Avoid excessive sleeping of threads between retries, which can lead to thread starvation. Also, a Circuit Breaker can be used to prevent retrying if a high percentage of calls fail.
  • Async Calls: Use exponential backoff with jitter for asynchronous operations and use Circuit Breakers to stop retries when failure rates are high. Asynchronous APIs can queue requests for later retries, but should incorporate health checks to ensure that retry attempts don’t add excessive load to downstream services during recovery periods.
  • Retrying on Overload Responses: Recognize overload indicators (e.g., HTTP 503 responses) and avoid retries when the response indicates overload.
  • Fail-Fast: Detect issues early and fails quickly rather than continuing to process failing requests or operations to avoid wasting time on requests that are unlikely to succeed.
  • Graceful Degradation: Provide an alternative method of handling requests when a service fails. For example, if a primary service is down, a cached result or a simpler backup service can be used instead.
  • Downstream Bugs: Rather than implementing retry-based workarounds, prioritize having downstream service owners address and resolve the underlying issues.
  • Monitor and Analyze Retry Patterns: Implement monitoring for retry attempts and success rates, and analyze the data to gain insights into system behavior during failures. Use these insights to optimize retry strategies, such as adjusting backoff intervals and fine-tuning timeouts for improved system performance.
  • SLAs with Downstream Services: Establish clear service-level agreements (SLAs) with downstream services about call frequency, failure rates, and latency expectations.
  • Availability Over Consistency: Prioritize service availability over consistency where possible, especially during retries or failure handling. In such cases, retries might return stale data or cause inconsistency issues, so it’s crucial to align retry policies with system design.
  • Chaos Engineering: Chaos engineering involves intentionally injecting failures, such as server crashes or network disruptions, into a system to test its resilience under adverse conditions. By simulating real-world failures, teams can identify weaknesses and ensure that the retry policies are working as expected.
  • Bulkhead Pattern: The bulkhead pattern isolates different parts of a system to prevent a failure in one part from affecting the rest of the system. The bulkheads can be implemented by limiting the number of resources (threads, memory, connections) allocated to each service or subsystem so that if one service becomes overloaded or fails, it won’t exhaust resources that other services need.
  • System Design: It’s essential to design APIs to minimize unnecessary communication with the server. For instance, in an event-driven architecture, if an event is missing a required attribute, the application might need to make additional requests to retrieve that data, increasing system load. To avoid this, ensure that events are fully populated with all necessary information upfront.


Retries are an essential mechanism for building fault-tolerant distributed systems and to recover from transient failures such as network issues, service unavailability, and partial system outages. A well-implemented retry strategy improves system resilience by ensuring that temporary failures don’t lead to full-blown outages. Techniques such as exponential backoff with jitter, idempotency, token buckets to limit retries locally, and circuit breakers help manage retries effectively, preventing issues like retry storms, resource exhaustion, and latency amplification.

However, retries need careful management because without proper limits, retries can overwhelm services that are already struggling or exacerbate issues like cascading failures and thread starvation. Incorporating timeouts, retry limits, and adaptive retry mechanisms based on system health can prevent these negative side effects. By analyzing retry patterns and adopting error-specific handling strategies, distributed systems can strike a balance between availability and resource efficiency, and ensures robust performance even in the face of partial failures.

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