Shahzad Bhatti Welcome to my ramblings and rants!

March 26, 2023

Elegant Implementation Patterns

Filed under: Computing,Languages — Tags: — admin @ 7:47 pm

Patterns are typical solutions to common problems in various phases of the software development lifecycle and you may find many books and resources on various types of patterns such as:

However, you may also find low-level implementation patterns that developers often apply to common coding problems. Following are a few of these coding patterns that I have found particularly fascinating and pragmatic in my experience:

Functional Options Pattern

The options pattern is used to pass configuration options to a method, e.g. you can pass a struct that holds configuration settings. These configuration properties may have default values that are used when they are not explicitly defined. You may implement options patter using builder pattern to initialize config properties but it requires explicitly building the configuration options even when there is nothing to override. In addition, error handling with the builder pattern poses more complexity when chaining methods. The functional options pattern on the other hand defines each configuration option as a function (referenced in Functional Options in Go and 100 Go Mistakes and How to Avoid), which can validate the configuration option and return an error for invalid data. For example:


You can then pass configuration options as follows:


Above solution allows handling errors when overriding default values fails and passing empty list of options. In other languages where errors can be implicitly passed to the calling code may still use builder pattern for configuration such as:


However, above solution still requires building config options even when no properties are overridden.

State Pattern with Enum

The state pattern is part of GoF design patterns, which is used to implement finite-state machines or strategy pattern. The state pattern can be easily implemented using “sum” (alternative) algebraic data types with use of union or enums constructs. For example, here is an implementation of state pattern in Rust:


However, above implementation relies on runtime to validate state transitions. Alternatively, you can use struct to check valid transitions at compile time, e.g.,


Tail Recursion with Trampolines and Thunks

The recursion uses divide and conquer to solve complex problems where a function calls itself to break down a problem into smaller problems. However, each recursion requires adding stack frame to the call stack so many functional languages converts recursive implementation into an iterative solution by eliminating tail-call where recursive call is the final action of a function. In languages that don’t support tail-call optimization, you can use thunks and trampolines to implement it. A thunk is a no-argument function that is evaluated lazily, which in turn may produce another thunk for next function call. Trampolines define a Computation data structure to return result of a computation. For example, following code illustrates an implementation of a Trampoline in Rust:



The memoization allows caching results of expensive function calls so that repeated invocation of the same function returns the cached results when the same input is used. It can be implemented using thunk pattern described above. For example, following implementation shows a Rust based implementation:


Type Conversion

The type conversion allows converting an object from one type to another, e.g. following interface defined in Spring shows an example:


This kind of type conversion looks very similar to the map/reduce primitives defined in functional programming languages, e.g. Java 8 added Function interface for such as transformation. In addition, Scala also supports implicit conversion from one type to another, e.g.,


Rust also supports From and Into traits for converting types, e.g.,


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